My Blinkie

My Blinkie


Saturday, July 27, 2019
This tutorial was written by me on July 27th, 2019 and is my own creation. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and unintentional.

PSP Version used: PSP 2019

This tutorial assumes you have a good working knowledge of PSP.


Tube of choice. I am using the art of Vadis+Trinita. You can purchase this tube here

PTU kit from Whisper In the Wind Designs called One With Nature. 

You can purchase this kit here

Mask 207 from Sophisticat Simone. You can find it here

Font of choice. I am using Palmaton.


Ok let's get started!

Open a new blank image, 600 x 600 px.

Open Frame 2. Resize by 55%, then copy & paste as a new layer onto your blank working canvas.

Open your mask & Paper7. Resize your paper by 75%. Copy & paste your paper as a new layer onto your working canvas. Move below your frame layer. Apply your mask, merge group.

Open Paper6 & resize by 75%. Copy & paste your paper as a new layer.

With your freehand selection tool set to point to point, click in the middle top left corner of the frame where the wood intersects, then repeat on the top right corner. Continue doing this until you create a square, and then double click on the top left corner (first spot you clicked on) to create the selection. Selections, invert & press delete. Deselect.

Now let's add our elements:

12 - resize by 40%. Paste as a new layer above the frame layer. Place to the top of the frame.
52 - resize by 40%; flip horizontal. Paste as a new layer. 

Free rotate, left, 45, all layers unchecked, rotate single layer around canvas center checked. Place over the leaves.

24 - resize by 25%; flip horizontal. Place to the top right corner of the frame.
41 - resize by 25%. Place over the succulents.
38 - resize by 30%. Place over the previous element.
60 - resize by 15%. Place to the left side of the twig at the top. Duplicate, flip horizontal. Move the copy below the twig, & a little to the right.
9 - resize by 60%. Paste as a new layer above the top flower layer. Place to the left side.
82 - resize by 25%. Place to the bottom left. Free rotate slightly to the left.
75 - resize by 20%. Place to the top right corner of the paper.
76 - resize by 35%. Place to the bottom left, over the paper. Rotate a little to the right.
99 - resize by 60%. Place to the bottom right.
25 - resize by 35%.  Place to the bottom left.
45 - resize by 20%. Place to the bottom center.
77 - resize by 20%. Place to the right of the mushroom.
64 - resize by 20%. Place to the bottom right.
74 - resize by 25%. Place to the bottom of the mushroom.
22 - resize by 25%. Place to the bottom of the lantern, a little to the right.
29 - resize by 15%. Place to the bottom left of the lantern.
57 - resize by 30%. Place to the bottom right, between the green & white flower & the pine cone.
43 - resize by 20%; flip horizontal. Place to the left of the cupcake.
30 - resize by 60%. Paste as a new layer.

Ok now for your tube.

Open your tube, resizing slightly. Paste as a new layer just below your frame layer. Place the face of the tube to the left side of the frame opening. On the paper layer just below it, select all, float, defloat. On the tube layer, selections, invert & press delete. Deselect.

Duplicate the tube, gaussian blur 3.00. Set the blend mode to screen, 57. On the original tube layer, set the blend mode to soft light, 42.

Paste your tube again, this time above the insect scatter layer & just below the paper layer. Resize as necessary & flip horizontal. Place over the right side of your tag. Duplicate your tube, gaussian blur 3.00. Set the blend mode to screen, 50.

Add your name, copyright, & license info. Apply a drop shadow of choice to your layers, then merge visible. Save as a PNG.

Thanks for checking out my tutorials.

Sunday, July 7, 2019
This tutorial was written by me on July 7th, 2019 and is my own creation. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and unintentional.

PSP Version used: PSP 2019

This tutorial assumes you have a good working knowledge of PSP.


PTU kit from LadyDragus/House of Dragus called Just Beachy. You can purchase the kit here

Mask 365 by Vix. You can find it here

Font of choice. I am using Navy Ballad.


Open Frame 3. Set the canvas size to 600 x 600 px. Resize by 70%, all layers unchecked.

With your magic wand tool, click inside the frame. Selections, modify, expand by 5.

Open Paper 5. Resize by 60%. Paste as a new layer. Selections, invert, & press delete. Deselect & move just below the frame layer.

Open your mask & Paper 1. Paste your paper as a new layer onto your working canvas. Move below the first paper layer. Apply your mask, merge group.

Now let's add our elements:

3 - resize by 40%. Paste as a new layer above the frame layer. Place to the top of the frame.
35 - resize by 80%. Place to the bottom, a little to the right.
39 - resize by 40%. Place to the bottom left.
1 - resize by 20%. Place just to the left of the left side of the frame.
17 - resize by 30%. Place to the right of the seaweed. Duplicate, free rotate, 180. Place over the upper right corner of the frame.
38 - resize by 60%. Paste as a new layer. Free rotate, right, 180. Place over the top of the frame. Duplicate, then repeat the free rotate with the same settings we just used. Place to the bottom of the frame.
15 - resize by 40%, flip horizontal. Paste as a new layer just below the duplicate branch layer. Place to the top right.
7 - resize by 25%. Paste as a new layer above the duplicate branch layer. Place directly to the bottom of the frame's right side.
8 - resize by 50%. Place to the bottom left.
59 - resize by 60%. Place to the bottom.
11 - resize by 20%. Place towards the top of the stones.
51 - resize by 40%. Place to the bottom left.
19 - resize by 25%. Place to the bottom right.
50 - resize by 25%. Place to the bottom right of the bottle.

For your tube, we are gonna use one of the tubes from the kit, element 18.

Resize by 70%. Paste as a new layer above the jellyfish layer. Place over the left side of the frame opening. With your lasso tool, select any part of the tube that sits below the bottom of the tag. Press delete, then deselect.

Apply a drop shadow of choice to your layers. Hide your mask layer for now. Merge visible all layers that are viewable. Unhide your mask layer. On the merged layer, Objects, align, center in canvas.

Add your name & credits. Apply a drop shadow to your name if desired.

Merge visible & save as a PNG.

Thanks for checking out my tutorials.