My Blinkie

My Blinkie


Sunday, April 26, 2020

This tutorial was written by me on April 26th, 2020 and is my own creation. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and unintentional.

PSP Version used: PSP 2019

This tutorial assumes you have a good working knowledge of PSP.


PTU kit from Crazymoonas Dezinz called Ma Mere

You can purchase the kit here

Font of choice. I am using Marmia.


Open a new blank image, 851 x 315.

Open Paper 9. Set your foreground color to pattern & pick your paper from the patterns. Floodfill your canvas with the pattern.

Now we can add our elements:

4 - paste as a new layer & place down & to the far right.
18 - resize by 60%. Place to the left side, a little in from the left edge.
100 - resize by 40%, flip horizontal. Place to the lower left corner. Duplicate, flip horizontal. Place above the original.  Duplicate, then rotate slightly to the right. Place to the right of the original. Duplicate again, then place to the right of the previous leaf copy, but move slightly down.
83 - resize by 25%. Place to the right, a little to the left of the right edge. Duplicate, flip horizontal, then place to the bottom center.
17 - resize by 40%. Paste as a new layer above the original blue flower. Place to the bottom, halfway between the top blue flower & the right edge.
85 - resize by 25%. Place to the left edge. Duplicate, then place to the bottom right, directly below the original blue flower.
29 - resize by 30%. Place to the bottom left corner. Rotate slightly to the left.
73 - resize by 50%. Place to the bottom right of the clock. Rotate slightly to the right.
21 - resize by 30%. Place to the bottom of the heart.
30 - resize by 60%. Place to the bottom left of the heart.
22 - resize by 40%. Place to the right side of the duplicate blue flower.
6 - resize by 30%. Place to the bottom right corner.
25 - resize by 15%. Place to the bottom right corner. Rotate a little to the right.
12 - resize by 30%. Paste as a new layer above the duplicate blue flower layer. Place to the right side of the vase.
15 - resize by 25%. Place to right of the cupcake.
24 - resize by 20%. Place to the bottom, between the ring & glasses.
70 - paste as a new layer & place to the top of the clock.
101 - resize by 20%. Place to the top right corner.

Now open the tube from the kit. Paste as a new layer above the original blue flower layer. Place to the right side.

Apply a drop shadow of choice to your layers.

Right click over your layers palette, merge > merge visible to new layer. On the merged layer, gaussian blur 3.00. Set the blend mode to Overlay, 40.

Set your foreground color to #fa89bf & your background color to #374476. Set the foreground to a linear gradient, angle 45, repeats 5, invert checked.

Add a new raster layer & floodfill with your gradient. Select all, selections modify, contract by 2. Selections, invert & press delete. Selections, invert. Selections, modify, contract by 2, then press delete. Deselect. 

Add noise, gaussian, 75, monochrome checked.

Add your name, copyrights, & license info if using a different tube. Apply your drop shadow to the frame and your name layer. Merge visible & save as a png.

Thanks for checking out my tutorials.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
This tutorial was written by me on April 14th, 2020 and is my own creation. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and unintentional.

PSP Version used: PSP 2019

This tutorial assumes you have a good working knowledge of PSP.


CU/PU Birdie Pack 2 tube from ChocUKDesigns

You can purchase it here.  

PTU kit from Doodle By Design called Beauty Of Spring

You can purchase it here.  

Big Mask 005 from Vix. You can find it here

Font of choice. I am using Belmist.


Ok let’s get started. 

Open Frame 6. Resize by 92%. Resize again, but this time resize by 65%, all layers unchecked.

Open your mask & Paper 19. Resize your paper by 67%. Paste your paper as a new layer on the frame canvas. Move to the bottom layer. Apply your mask, merge group. Duplicate, free rotate to the right 45 degrees. Resize, all layers unchecked, by 85%.

Open Paper 13 & resize by 67%. On your frame layer, use your magic wand & click inside the frame. Selections, modify, expand by 10. Paste your pink paper as a new layer. Selections, invert & press delete. Deselect & move below the frame layer.

Open Element 50. Resize by 25%. Paste as a new layer above the top mask layer. Objects, align, top. Move the flower so the top half shows from behind the frame layer. Make sure the flower is centered. Duplicate twice. Place one copy to the left side of the original white flower & the other is to the right side. Merge the white flowers together. Duplicate, free rotate to the right, 90. Repeat for the other two sides of the frame.

Open Element 53. Resize by 40%. Place a copy over each set of white flowers using the same technique.

Now let's add our remaining elements, which will go above the frame layer:

1 - resize by 30%. Place over the right side of the frame, slightly down. Rotate a little to the right.
88 - resize by 85%. Place to the bottom of the frame.
27 - resize by 35%. Place to the bottom right.
2 - resize by 30%, flip horizontal. Place to the bottom left.
39 - resize by 80%. Place to the bottom so it sits along the bottom of the envelope.
34 - resize by 50%. Place to the bottom.
77 - resize by 25%. Rotate to the right 180. Paste as a new layer just above the pillows layers. Place behind the flower cluster so it peeks from the bottom right of the cluster. Duplicate, flip vertical and move so it peeks out from the top of the cluster, a bit to the left of the original leaf layer.
30 - resize by 30%. Paste as a new layer above the flower cluster layer. Place to the bottom of the envelope.
80 - resize by 80%. Place to the bottom.
18 - resize by 20%. Place to the bottom of the pillows.
94 - resize by 20%. Place to the bottom of the cupcake.

Now open your tube. Resizing as necessary. Paste as a new layer just above the pearl heart layer. Center over the frame.

Add your name, copyright, & license info if using a different tube. Apply a drop shadow of choice, if desired. Merge visible & save as a png.

Thanks for checking out my tutorials.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

This tutorial was written by me on April 7th, 2020 and is my own creation. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and unintentional.

PSP Version used: PSP 2019

This tutorial assumes you have a good working knowledge of PSP.


PTU kit from Carmins Chaos called Spring Blooms

You can purchase the kit here.  

Mask 7 by HorsePlay’s Pasture. You can find it here

Font of choice. I am using Georgina Script.


Ok let’s get started!

Open element 89. Resize by 80%, all layers unchecked. Place the frames to the right.

Open your mask & paper 1. Resize your paper by 75%. Paste as a new layer onto your frame canvas. Apply your mask, merge group.

Open element 80. Resize by 80%, flip horizontal. Paste as a new layer above the mask layer. With your pick tool, rotate it a little to the left so it is about the same angle as the frames. Use your eraser tool and erase any part of the vine that is showing on the top of the top frame, left of the top frame. Repeat for the bottom frame.

Open paper 15, resizing by 75%. On the frames layer, click inside each frame. Selections, modify, expand by 5. Paste your paper as a new layer. Selections, invert & press delete. Deselect & move just below the frames layer.

Now let’s add our remaining elements. If you’re unsure of placement, just use my image as a reference.

9 – resize by 40%, flip horizontal. Move this layer just above the vines layer. Place to the bottom.
92 – resize by 60%, flip horizontal. Paste as a new layer above the frames layer. Place to the top left corner of the mask.
2 – resize by 40%. Place to the left of the bottom frame.
94 – resize by 30%. Place over the pink flowers, a little to the left of the center point.
4 – resize by 60%. Place to the bottom.
91 – resize by 40%. Place to the bottom. Duplicate & place over to the pink flower spray.
65 – resize by 15%, flip horizontal. Place over the flower spray, between flower 2 & 3. Duplicate & place towards the end of the flower spray.
13 – resize by 30%. Place between the yellow flowers.
3 – resize by 15%. Place between the top & middle frame. Duplicate & place between the middle & bottom frame.
7 – resize by 50%. Place to the top left corner of the top frame.
103 – resize by 30%. Place to the bottom right.
90 – resize by 35%. Place to the bottom of the tulips.
101 – resize by 40%. Place to the bottom left.
18 – resize by 20%. Place to the left of the basket.
49 – resize by 15%. Place to the bottom right of the lantern element.
15 – resize by 20%. Place towards the top, a little to the left.
36 – resize by 95%. Paste as a new layer.

Now open element 37. Use your freehand selection tool & create a selection around the tube. Copy & paste as a new layer above the mask layer. Flip horizontal & arrange over the mask layer. On your mask layer, select all, float, defloat. On the tube layer, selections invert & press delete. Deselect. 

Duplicate your tube & set the blend mode to screen. On the original tube layer, set the blend mode to luminance (L), 32.

Paste your tube again, this time just below the frames layer. Place her face inside the frame. On the paper layer, select all, float, defloat. On the tube layer, selections, invert & press delete. Deselect. Repeat for the other 2 frames. I chose to change the direction of the tube in the middle frame. Once done, merge the 3 tube layers together. Duplicate, set the blend mode to screen. On the original merged layer, lower the opacity to 32.

Add your name, copyright, & license info. Apply a drop shadow of choice to your layers, then merge visible. Save as a png.

Thanks for checking out my tutorials.