My Blinkie

My Blinkie


Thursday, November 26, 2020
This tutorial was written by me on November 26th, 2020 and is my own creation. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and unintentional.

PSP Version used: PSP 2020 Ultimate

This tutorial assumes you have a good working knowledge of PSP.


Yuriko Shirou Bundle Package 17 (includes both tube & kit)

You can purchase it here

Font of choice. I am using Feeling Passionate Regular.


Xero Radiance


Open element 32. Set the canvas size to 821 x 821 px. Resize your frame by 70%, all layers unchecked. Now resize all layers by 73%.

With your magic wand tool, click inside the frame. Selections, modify, expand by 10.

Open paper 5. Resize by 67%. Paste as a new layer onto your frame canvas. Selections, invert & press delete. Move the paper below the frame layer.

Open element 20. Resize by 69%. Paste as a new layer & move below your paper layer.

The remaining elements will be above your frame layer:

33 - resize by 50%. Place over the left side of your frame.
47 - resize by 25%. Place over the leaves, just a bit down from the top.
36 - resize by 20%. Place over the upper right corner of the frame. Duplicate & move to the bottom left. 
25 - resize by 20%. Place to the bottom right of the upper right rose. Flip horizontal. Duplicate & place to the bottom right of the duplicate rose, flip horizontal.
23 - resize by 25%. Place to the bottom right.
35 - resize by 50%. Place to the bottom.
40 - resize by 40%. Place over the lace.
48 - resize by 35%. Place to the bottom left. Move the duplicate rose so it peeks out from the bottom left of the books. On the duplicate white flower, move above the books layer so it's a little down & to the right of the rose.
26 - resize by 57%. Paste above all the other layers & place a little to the right.

Open your tube, resizing as necessary. Paste as a new layer above the original single white flower layer.

Xero Radiance using the following settings:

Strangeness - 161
Charm - 112
Truth - 118
Beauty - 152

Apply a drop shadow of choice to your layers.

Hide the bottom element, then merge visible. On the merged layer, objects > align > center in canvas. Unhide the bottom element.

Add your name & copyright info. Apply a gradient glow to both, then your drop shadow.

Merge visible & save as a PNG.

Thanks for checking out my tutorials.