My Blinkie

My Blinkie


Monday, December 30, 2019

This tutorial was written by me on December 30th, 2019 and is my own creation. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and unintentional.

PSP Version used: PSP 2019

This tutorial assumes you have a good working knowledge of PSP.


Christmas Snowfall PTU kit from Kizzed by Kelz. 

You can purchase it here.  

Font of choice. I am using A Gentle Touch.

Filters: - VTR2


Ok let’s get started.

Open a new blank canvas, 600 x 250 px.

Open paper 14. Resize by 75%. Paste your paper as a new layer onto your blank canvas. Duplicate your paper layer.

On the duplicate layer, apply the VTR2 using the following settings:

Line Distance: 57
Line Width: 2
Contrast: 152
Ghost: 0

Set the blend mode to Soft Light.

Now let’s add our elements:

15 – rotate right twice (180 degrees). Paste as a new layer above the duplicate paper layer. Place to the upper right.
47 – free rotate 180 degrees. Place to your liking. I placed mine more to the top.
140 – resize by 50%, flip horizontal. Place to the left side, about ¼ of the way from the left edge. Place toward the top.
110 – resize by 50%. Place to the bottom edge, directly below the chimney stacks. Duplicate the pine, flip vertical. Move the duplicate a little to the right. Merge down with the original. Then duplicate twice, placing each one to the right of the other.
113 – resize by 50%. Place to the far left.
45 – resize by 35%. place over the top right of the tree.
76 – resize by 30%. Place to the bottom of the tree.
131 – paste as a new layer.
125 – resize by 50%. Place to the right of the tree.
35 – resize by 50%. Place to the bottom far right. Rotate slightly to the right.
95 – paste as a new layer & place to the bottom right.
75 – resize by 40%. Place to the bottom right, just to the left of the cinnamon sticks.
78 – resize by 40%. Place to the bottom left corner. Rotate slightly to the left.
73 – resize by 25%. Place to the bottom, between the skate & the snowman.
124 – resize by 25%. Place to the bottom center.
153 – resize by 30%. Place to the bottom left corner.
50 – resize by 25%. Place to the bottom right corner.
70 – resize by 25%. Place to the bottom & to the right of the poinsetta. Free rotate to the left so it’s at an angle of your choice.
41 – paste as a new layer.
149 – resize by 65%. Place to the top, slightly to the right.

Now select all. Selections, modify, contract by 2. Add a new raster layer & floodfill with #9d36d2 or a color of your choice. Selections, modify, contract by 2 again, then press delete. Deselect. 

Add noise, gaussian, 75, monochrome checked.

Add your name & any credits. I always add a gradient glow to my text so they are easier to see, so you can do that now if you wish.

Apply a drop shadow of choice to your layers. For the frame, I used my usual drop shadow of 2, 2, 30, 5. Then I added another of -2, -2, 30, 5. 

Save as a png.

For the avatar:

Open a blank canvas with the size you prefer. I did 180 x 180 for this one. 

On your tag, hide the name, credits, & frame layers. Right click over the layer palette, then select merge visible. Copy, then paste on the avatar image. Now you can repeat the steps for the frame, then add your text.

Save as a png when finished.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019
This tutorial was written by me on December 18th, 2019 and is my own creation. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and unintentional.

PSP Version used: PSP 2019

This tutorial assumes you have a good working knowledge of PSP.


Tube of choice. I am using the art of Anna Liwanag. You can purchase her tubes here.  

Dear Santa PTU kit from Irish Princess Designs. 

You can purchase it here.  

Christmas Mask 19 from Tonya’s Temptations. You can find it here

Font of choice. I am using Chasing Snowflakes.


Ok let’s get started.

Open Frame 4. Set the canvas size to 800 x 800. Resize by 75%, all layers unchecked. Now resize all layers by 75%.

Open your mask & Paper 14. Resize your paper by 60%. Paste your paper as a new layer onto your frame canvas. Move below the frame layer. Apply your mask, merge group.

Open Element 86. Resize by 60%. Paste as a new layer above your mask layer. Place a little to the left of the frame. Duplicate, mirror horizontal. Merge down.

Open Paper 24 & resize by 60%, then copy. On the frame layer, use your magic wand & click inside the frame. Selections, modify, expand by 10. Paste your paper as a new layer. Selections, invert & press delete. Deselect, then move the paper below your frame layer.

Now let’s add our remaining elements:

45 – resize by 30%. Paste as a new layer above the frame layer. Place to the top of the frame.
78 – resize by 25%, flip horizontal. Place to the upper left side of the frame.
14 – resize by 50%. Place over the pine.
132 – resize by 50%. Place to the right side of the frame.
112 – resize by 62%. Paste as a new layer.
16 – resize by 50%. Place to the bottom.
67 – resize by 30%. Place to the left side of the frame.
115 – resize by 35%. Place to the bottom right of the tree.
33 – resize by 25%. Place to the bottom left of the tree.
75 – resize by 16%. Place to the bottom of the stacked presents.
11 – resize by 15%. Place to the top of the stacked presents.
9 – resize by 30%. Place over the left side of the stacked presents.
39 – resize by 25%. Place to the bottom of the stacked presents.
151 – resize by 40%. Place to the bottom.
26 – resize by 25%. Place over the white ornament.
72 – resize by 20%. Place to the bottom right of the toy sack.
76 – resize by 12%. Place to the bottom left of the teacup.
24 – resize by 15%. Place to the bottom of the red ornament.
127 – resize by 15%. Place to the bottom, at the center of the berry spray.
65 – resize by 62%. Paste as a new layer.

Open your tube, resizing as necessary. Paste as a new layer just above the first sparkle layer. Place over the frame opening. Duplicate your tube, gaussian blur, 3.00. Set the blend mode to Screen, 70.

Add your name, copyrights, & license info. Apply a drop shadow of choice to your layers, then merge visible. Save as a png.

Thanks for checking out my tutorials.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

This tutorial was written by me on December 10, 2019 and is my own creation. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and unintentional.

PSP Version used: PSP 2019

This tutorial assumes you have a good working knowledge of PSP.


Tube of choice. I am using the art of Misticheskaya. This tube is part of the ‘Lisa’ tube, which you can purchase here

PTU kit from Tiny Turtle Designs called Silver Pink. 

You can purchase it here

Mask4Christmas2010 by Vix. You can find it here

Font of choice. I am using Shailena.


Ok let’s get started.

Open element 34. Resize by 80%, all layers unchecked.

Open your mask & paper 8. Resize your paper by 75%. Paste your paper as a new layer onto your frame canvas. Move below the frame layer. Apply your mask, merge group.

Add noise, random, 25, monochrome checked.

Open paper 25. Resize by 75%, then copy. On your frame layer, use your magic wand & click inside the frame. Selections, modify, expand by 10. Paste your paper as a new layer. Selections, invert & press delete. Deselect & move below the frame layer.

Now let’s add our elements:

61 – resize by 70%. Paste as a new layer above the frame layer. Place to the top right of the frame.
67 – resize by 50%. Paste as a new layer. Free rotate 90 to the right. Place to the lower left of the frame. Paste this tube again, this time, flip horizontal & place to the lower left of the frame. 
33 – resize by 40%. Place to the bottom left, where the pink leaves intersect.
3 – resize by 20%. Place to the top right of the pine bundle. Move below the pine bundle layer.
110 – resize by 50%. Paste as a new layer above the pine bundle layer. Place to the bottom right.
66 – resize by 40%. Place to the bottom left of the sack.
79 – resize by 80%. Place to the bottom.
12 – resize by 30%. Place to the bottom left.
93 – resize by 25%. Place a little down & to the right of the cookie.

Open your tube. Paste as a new layer above the bow layer, resizing as necessary. Flip horizontal & move a little to the left. Use your freehand selection tool to select part of the tube that extends on the left side. Press delete. 

Add your name, copyright, & license info. Apply a drop shadow of choice to your layers, then merge visible. Save as a png.

Thanks for checking out my tutorials.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
This tutorial was written by me on December 8th, 2019 and is my own creation. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental and unintentional.

PSP Version used: PSP 2019

This tutorial assumes you have a good working knowledge of PSP.


PTU kit from House Of Dragus Graphics called North Pole.

You can purchase it here.  

Mask 888 by me. You can find it here

Font of choice. I am using Sugar Dumplin Sans.


Open  EF – 59 (2). Resize by 70%, all layers unchecked. Now resize, all layers checked, by  75%.

Open your mask & Paper – 59 (4). Resize your paper by 75%. Paste your paper as a new layer onto your frame canvas. Move below the frame layer. Apply your mask, merge group.

Open Paper – 59 (2). Resize by 75%. Copy. On the frame layer of the working canvas, use your magic wand & click inside the frame. Selections, modify, expand by 10. Paste your paper as a new layer. Selections, invert & press delete. Deselect & move below the frame layer.

Now let’s add our elements:

28 – resize by 55%. Paste as a new layer above the frame layer. Place to the top of the frame.
2 – resize by 25%. Place over the middle of the garland.
15 – resize by 15%. Place just below the bow. Move below the bow layer.
54 – resize by 40%. Place towards the bottom. Free rotate a little to the left.
27 – resize by 20%.  Place to the upper right of the frame. Duplicate twice. Place a copy a little down & on the left side of the frame. The last one should be towards the bottom. See my tag for reference.
40 – resize by 50%. Place towards the bottom, & a little to the right. Move to just above the original snowflake layer.
58 – resize by 60%. Place to the bottom left, above all the snowflake layers.
60 -  resize by 30%. Place to the bottom right of the tree.
29 – resize by 25%. Place to the bottom right of the gingerbread man.
44 – resize by 35%. Place to the bottom left of the tree.
35 – resize by 20%. Place over the right side of the bear.
10 – resize by 35%. Place to the bottom.
38 – resize by 40%. Place to the bottom right.
32 – resize by 30%. Place to the bottom left of the snowman.
20 – resize by 30%. Place to the bottom right of the snowman.
24 – resize by 25%. Place to the left of the candles.
23 – resize by 15%. Place between the sack & the gingerbread house.
34 – resize by 15%. Place to the bottom right of the mug.
61 – resize by 15%. Place to the right of the candles.

Add your name & the credits. Apply a drop shadow of choice to your layers. Merge visible & save as a png.

Thanks for checking out my tutorials.